Pallas and Dunkel complete Swiss IT Security Germany - SITS

Pallas and Dunkel complete Swiss IT Security Germany

Pallas GmbH and Dunkel GmbH will merge into Swiss IT Security Deutschland GmbH in May 2022. This step creates synergies, offers new opportunities for cooperation, secures the jobs of all companies involved in the long term and offers customers a significantly more comprehensive range of services from a single source.
May 03, 2022

As of May 2022, the companies Pallas and Dunkel will be merged into Swiss IT Security-Deutschland GmbH. The thus strengthened Swiss IT Security Deutschland GmbH (SITS D) thus also bundles the know-how of its subsidiaries Pallas and Dunkel into holistic solutions and services for the benefit of the customers of all companies. From the merger, SITS D gains extensive additional service areas and the expertise of the two subsidiaries in addition to the previous business areas of Secure Digitisation, Private & Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure, Workplace Transformation, Managed Services & Out-Tasking and Managed Secure Workplace, and henceforth combines them under one roof.

With the integration of Pallas and Dunkel, SITS D now has the combined services of highly qualified employees and the following additional offerings: Cloud Storage, Managed Security Services, Outsourcing & Hosting, Virtual Data Centres, Secure Email and S3 Storage. In combination with the range of services offered by SITS D, a significantly more comprehensive range of services from a single source is now available to our customers. They benefit from a single point of contact that plans, implements and operates holistic solutions and services in the area of digital transformation, productivity, security, compliance and governance on-premises as well as in the cloud.

The management of SITS D, consisting of Ralf Wecke and Ralf Christ, was joined by Stephan Sachweh in January 2022. With the merger, SITS D secures the jobs of the three companies in the long term and provides its approximately 120 employees with additional perspectives as well as the opportunity for intensive cooperation and optimisation of existing products. Customers and partners will continue to benefit from the support of their usual contact persons. In doing so, Swiss IT Security Deutschland continues to successfully rely on long-standing and established partnerships with leading solution providers, which certify SITS D’s highest partner status as well as extensive certifications.

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